M&A can accelerate growth by harnessing new ways of managing capital. While organic growth takes time and often requires development of new capabilities, M&A enables faster realization of growth through access to new markets, sales and distribution channels, new capabilities, or by simplifying and optimizing infrastructure, operations and costs. Refining corporate portfolios through disposals also creates value to re-orient and re-invest.

Successful execution of M&A, however, is often elusive – many mergers and acquisitions fail.

Our KPMG strategy team in Thailand has helped many leading companies and created value by challenging conventional thinking, bringing real industry & data-driven insights, and providing on-the-ground support for our clients. Our approach combines an analysis of market potential, competitive environment and positioning, as well as an objective view on the target’s business plan to help provide clarity on key strategic questions such as:

  • What is the best market entry strategy?
  • Should the company build, partner, or acquire another company?
  • Is the target a strategic fit to the existing business and growth aspiration?
  • Does the market in which the target operates in has a good prospect?
  • Is the target business model viable and sustainable in the long term?

Unlike other traditional players in the market, our proven approach is to arrive at more intelligent and well-rounded answers to your strategic challenges through data analytic insights uncovered from both internal and external source of information. These insights include potential revenue and cost synergies, process improvement opportunities, as well as other key factors driving the deal value.

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