We’ve made progress in unlocking our organization’s contribution toward economic and social prosperity, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. To us, prosperity is about what businesses are doing to make a positive contribution to and impact on society and the communities in which they operate — being a good corporate citizen.

This means we strive to create meaningful employment opportunities; we generate wealth and contribute to the economy through growing our business and paying taxes; we provide services for clients to help them drive sustainability; and we invest in our communities through volunteering and donations.

Two people talking


We take our role in society seriously and are proud of the jobs we create and the careers we develop — whether it be the people who build a long-term career at KPMG or the people we develop and enable with professional qualifications in their early careers who then go on to varied roles in the private and public sectors across the world.

In FY22, we brought more than 96,000 new hires into our global organization and created nearly 30,000 net-new roles, investing in our workforce to support growth by adding specialists and subject matter experts at all levels. We face geopolitical uncertainty and a turbulent economic environment, and while continuing to invest in our people, we’ll remain vigilant to ensure our workforce aligns with current and anticipated demand in the market.

KPMG firms overall hired more than 25,000 graduates, representing more than 25 percent of the total new hires throughout the KPMG organization. These new hires will have the opportunity to benefit from our structured development, including funded professional qualifications and accreditations — gaining learning for a lifetime. They will have opportunities to make an impact with their work as well as outside of KPMG through volunteering and community initiatives.

New hires by gender

Financials (FY22, US$ in billions)

Global revenue by function

Global revenue by region

Download the full report to explore all our data.

Economic contribution

During continued economic and geopolitical uncertainty, robust numbers and consistent growth were achieved across all functions at KPMG firms. For FY22, KPMG reported annual aggregated global revenues of US$34.64 billion — an increase of 14 percent from FY21.1 Advisory achieved the largest growth increase — up 19 percent on FY21 across KPMG firms globally. Tax & Legal2 experienced 10 percent growth while Audit grew eight percent, benefiting from a combination of the investments made in technology and our KPMG firms’ globally connected local knowledge.

Strong revenues promote prosperity: FY22 revenue includes more than 15 percent in locations that the UN categorizes as developing regions, and the growth we saw in these areas exceeded the levels of growth we saw in KPMG firms across the global KPMG network. This growth has led to the addition of specialists and subject matter experts at all levels, and as we grow, our ability to strengthen our community support does, too.

Our approach to tax

We have a responsible approach to tax, strong governance and policies and are committed to transparency around tax. KPMG firms generate and pay taxes in the countries and territories in which they operate. Generating and paying taxes is a key means by which we can make a meaningful contribution to the communities in which KPMG firms operate. These contributions to governmental revenues support governmental functions, public benefits and the development of infrastructure such as health systems, education and transport networks.

  • Our tax contribution: KPMG firms’ contributions include taxes paid directly, those collected on behalf of governments and those paid directly by partners and employees.
  • Tax paid directly (operational taxes): In FY22, Reporting KPMG Firms paid a total of US$2.0 billion in operational taxes (up from US$1.8 billion in FY21), which included employer payroll and social security taxes, non-creditable sales taxes, property taxes, entertainment taxes and other miscellaneous taxes.
  • Tax on profits: As a network of member firms, KPMG does not have a requirement to prepare consolidated financial statements. The legal structure of KPMG firms varies. Many firms are structured as partnerships that are “flow-through” for tax purposes, although there are other structures, such as corporate entities that pay corporation tax. Tax laws and reporting requirements also vary by jurisdiction. The characteristics of a partnership are such that the obligation to pay tax on the profits is on the individuals rather than the partnerships, and many KPMG firms don’t have access to the details of individual partners' tax paid.
  • Taxes collected on behalf of governments: With revenue in FY22 of US$34.64 billion, KPMG collects a significant amount of taxes on behalf of the governments in the jurisdictions in which KPMG firms operate, particularly in relation to employee payroll taxes and sales taxes.
  • Approach to tax policy: KPMG has a global policy to set the standard and expectations around member firm and partner tax affairs. There are also risk management practices in place to help ensure that tax affairs have been conducted in accordance with the relevant local laws and regulations and in harmony with global tax principles.
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Uplifting our local communities

Our charitable and non-profit support is directed towards organizations and initiatives that meet a compelling community need. We’re focused on areas where we have a significant presence — such as education and lifelong learning — and on programs and initiatives where we can make a meaningful impact.

In FY22, we made significant investments in social impact through our sponsorships, fundraising, contributions to the community and donations, focusing on social impact priorities. Through these investments, we utilize the range of skills within our organization to have a strong impact on those in need, while also using our public voice to support those who are marginalized.  


volunteer and pro bono hours by KPMG people

up 28% from FY21

US$0 million

of financial support to local communities

up 18% from FY21

People of KPMG

Briana Haines
KPMG in the US

I’m passionate about accessibility and inclusivity. I believe that bringing people of different perspectives and abilities to work together is the key to unlocking progress and prosperity.

Championing accessibility is something I do every day in my role at KPMG in the US working with our document processing and graphics teams — but my commitments go beyond this.

I’m heavily involved with the Special Olympics, a sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities. I serve as a board member for my state’s Special Olympics program, am the secretary of the executive committee, chair the development committee, and am involved in organizing local events. I’m also a Special Olympics-appointed Unified Sports Delegate for golf, which saw me attend the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi, as well as the Special Olympics German National Games in Berlin.

My experience with Special Olympics was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, and I have KPMG to thank for it. I first got involved as a direct result of KPMG in the US’s sponsorship of the organization and a partner in my local office encouraging me to put my hand up for a role organizing our KPMG volunteers. And as time has gone on, I have had the full backing of a team that recognizes the importance of what Special Olympics does and gives me the time and flexibility to attend events and meetings, even during busy periods.

I feel lucky to work for a firm that really walks the talk and gives me so many opportunities to put what I stand for into practice.

Photo of Briana Haines

Focus on education

Our commitments:
  • Support education and lifelong learning
  • Provide UNESCO with pro bono resources for the Global Education Coalition

KPMG is focused on making significant contributions toward achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 to help ensure inclusive and equitable education for all.

10by30 strategy

In FY22, we made progress on our commitments to economically empower 10 million disadvantaged young people by 2030 through education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. KPMG is delivering on this vision through a framework that will equip students with the skills to succeed in the labor market; support job transition by providing students with knowledge, mentorship and opportunities to access work; and help transform the education ecosystem by upskilling educators and helping to create more effective education institutions.

As part of KPMG’s ongoing commitment to help young people develop the skills to help them become future-ready, we’re working with KPMG firms around the world to support them on their journey toward the world of work.

We’re continuing to strengthen our global collaboration with UNESCO and rallying behind an initiative we call "IT’s Her Future" to empower girls and women with technology skills. To scale our reach, we will leverage technology, make donations and expand volunteering and pro bono work.

Global Skills Academy

In collaboration with UNESCO, we’re forging an innovative collaboration to scale up the Global Skills Academy (GSA), which includes 23 members of the Global Education Coalition. The GSA aims to provide access to free and demand-driven online training opportunities to increase learners' employability and resilience in a changing labor market. The objective is to encourage and inspire existing and new GSA members to further collaborate and combine skills and resources to create a more inclusive, equitable and prosperous world as set out by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To ensure the plan is informed by data and evidence-driven insight, UNESCO has undertaken research — funded by KPMG — to analyze the labor market opportunity, skills gap and best practice approaches to bridging the deficit at scale. The labor market analysis examines the skills in highest demand for decent jobs — whether through employment or entrepreneurship — at a global level and also in priority geographies. This is being compared to the supply of these skills to identify the greatest skills gaps that the GSA, together with its members, can invest in, to open up economic opportunity for young people being left behind. The research is also analyzing the most effective ways to address those skills gaps and support students to transition from education to work.

The findings from this research are informing the GSA’s delivery plan. This will include leveraging existing UNESCO platforms and processes, increasing the capacity of technical and vocational education and training institutions, and deploying enabling technology.

  • Planned pilot initiative: As part of KPMG and UNESCO’s Cooperation on Youth Economic Empowerment Initiative launched in March 2022, KPMG in India is providing the expertise and knowledge of 100 mentors based in India, to be paired up with 100 young people aged 18 to 25 currently being trained by the National Skill Development Corporation International. The selected mentees hail from a low-income background, with equal participation from both women and men.
  • Ukraine secondees: KPMG funded two secondees from our office in Ukraine to UNESCO to work on education initiatives for young people displaced by the war. The development of the post-war education recovery strategy includes analysis of gaps both before and arising from the war; identification of programs, capabilities and resources available at UNESCO that could be used to close these gaps; and discussion of the identified gaps and matching UNESCO resources with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the purposes of developing a steps plan for post-war recovery.
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People of KPMG

Maksym Zavalnyy
KPMG in Ukraine

Since Russia’s war in Ukraine began, I have felt a need to do whatever I can to make even the smallest difference in people’s lives and help my country navigate the many challenges it now faces.

So, when my colleague and I were offered the chance to be seconded to work for UNESCO in Ukraine, setting up its base here and helping transition the education system, we couldn’t say yes quickly enough.

As UNESCO secondees, we help in a number of ways. We’ve been involved in a program to give Ukrainian teachers the skills and tools they need to teach remotely now that it’s no longer safe to meet their students in physical classrooms. As part of this, I helped manage the import and distribution of more than 50,000 donated laptops to teachers across the country. We’ve also been involved in work to safeguard the mental health of, and help ensure the availability of psychosocial support to teachers and students.

In addition, I have been working closely with UNESCO departments to develop Ukraine’s post-war education recovery strategy, which is closely tied to government economic recovery plans. To be part of a project like this has given me hope as I look toward the future.

As well as giving me the opportunity to put my skills and knowledge to good use to help our country, KPMG in the Ukraine has been critical in making sure I have everything I need to work. I have a young son, and KPMG in the Ukraine has always made clear that my safety and that of my family come first.

The situation is uncertain right now, but I’m proud to work at KPMG, where our collaborations and networks give people like me opportunities to contribute positively to some of the biggest challenges the world faces.

Photo of Arline Kitoto

Arline Kitoto
KPMG in Kenya

As a firm believer in the value of mentorship, when KPMG in Kenya offered me the opportunity to become a mentor via the Global Give Back Circle, I knew this was the perfect way for me to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

The Global Give Back Circle is an education, mentorship and employment-readiness program designed to help at-risk girls in Kenya become economically empowered leaders, with a specific focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The program’s ‘circularity’ comes from those it has helped, later giving back by supporting the next generation of girls in their community.

KPMG in Kenya supports the Global Give Back Circle by providing mentorship to the girls it’s working with and participating in and supporting its awareness-raising and educational events. As a mentor, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a university student who, just like me when I was her age, needed help working out her next steps after graduating. I was able to use my professional experiences at KPMG in Kenya to provide meaningful guidance and support with job applications. I’m proud to say that my mentee is now pursuing a career in accounting — something she felt she would not have been equipped or confident enough to do before participating in the program.

Case study

STEM is HER Future,

KPMG China

Technology is going to be a critical part of how we work and live in the future, but more needs to be done to nurture women’s talents in STEM.

KPMG China runs the STEM is HER Future program in collaboration with the Yiyou Youth Center, which aims to help promote STEM careers to promising women students. In 2022, the program was recognized by UN Women at the National Women’s Empowerment Principles awards as the top winner in the Community Engagement and Partnerships category.

The program sees young women attend a series of specially designed online courses, all of which have been developed to help them write a business plan for a solution or service that uses STEM to tackle looming industry issues. The students present their plans to a panel of KPMG professionals, and the best are invited to a final competition at the KPMG China’s office in Shanghai.

The program is designed to give students insights into industry trends and knowledge. KPMG China also offers participants the chance to attend career workshops. KPMG China’s volunteers dedicate time to the program as course tutors, program coaches and competition judges, using their professional skills to empower students. In 2022, the program reached over 1,700 women from 281 universities in 27 provinces in China. And the response from those students is overwhelmingly positive — telling the Chinese firm that the program improved their confidence in their STEM skills, and they are more likely to pursue a STEM career as a result. Thirteen students even went on to intern at KPMG China in the KPMG Digital Ignition Centre and in the Advisory function.

Providing disaster relief

In the wake of disasters around the world, whether from wars or natural disasters, vulnerable populations are disproportionately at risk. As a global organization, these issues impact us all. When a crisis hits, we have a responsibility to help where we can:

Ukraine support

  • In response to the Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine, we’ve helped our Ukrainian colleagues and those affected in the region, including their immediate family members, to relocate to safer areas of Ukraine or leave the country if they wished, and supported them financially throughout. With the help of our KPMG firms and colleagues, KPMG International and member firms contributed more than US$4.5 million to UNICEF’s Ukraine Emergency Appeal, helping to provide water and sanitation services, child protection, psychosocial support, health services and emergency cash assistance.

Pakistan support

  • KPMG mobilized to provide critical aid and humanitarian support to affected families as a result of catastrophic flooding and made donations from KPMG International and member firms and their people of more than US$400,000. Significant efforts by KPMG in Pakistan, supported by member firms and KPMG International, continue to be provided to the country as it enters its rebuild phase.

Our Impact Plan represents the collective environmental, social and governance commitments of independent KPMG firms, affiliated with KPMG International Limited. The data represented in Our Impact Plan is aggregated data from KPMG firms for the 12 months to 30 September 2021 unless stated otherwise. KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee and does not provide services to clients. Where the terms “KPMG,” “firm,” “we” or similar references are used without definition, they are intended to refer to KPMG International Limited and the independent KPMG firms. The financial information set forth represents combined information of the independent KPMG member firms that perform professional services for clients, affiliated with KPMG International Limited. The information is combined here solely for presentation purposes. KPMG International Limited performs no services for clients nor, concomitantly, generates any client revenue. Throughout this webpage, “we”, “KPMG”, “us” and “our” refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity.

1 14 percent is based on the growth in continuing operations and excludes the FY21 and FY22 revenues from businesses sold or countries from which KPMG exited during this period. When not restated, the revenue growth is 13 percent.2 Certain member firms of the KPMG global organization, including the US firm, do not provide legal services or have KPMG Law service entities.