Ecosystem, distribution and deals in the insurance sector

7 June 2023 | 14:30 – 16:00 | KPMG in Thailand

7 June 2023 | 14:30 – 16:00 | KPMG in Thailand


You are cordially invited to attend KPMG in Thailand’s executive panel discussion on:

‘Ecosystem, distribution and deals in the insurance sector’

On behalf of the KPMG Insurance Sector, it is my pleasure to invite you to our upcoming event on ‘Ecosystem, distribution and deals in the insurance sector’. We will be joined by KPMG’s finance and broader insurance leadership colleagues from across the Asia Pacific region, who are integral to our regional capabilities.

Insurers in the Asia Pacific region are adapting to a new era marked by disruption driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid changes in regulations and accounting standards, and evolving customer expectations, all amid a backdrop of geopolitical and economic uncertainty. Despite these challenges, Asia remains one of the most attractive insurance markets in the world, and we anticipate continued strong deal activity and consolidation.

The development and utilization of wide and diverse ecosystems have been key themes in driving distribution and product innovations, and have also been drivers of robust deal activity. This event will specifically focus on the Asia Pacific region including Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Join us as we explore these themes through a series of keynotes and expert panels featuring KPMG’s regional team of insurance specialists.


Wednesday, 7 June 2023 14:30 - 16:30

  • 14.30-15.15:         Panel discussion on insurance distribution and ecosystem
  • 15.15-16.00:         M&A drivers and trends
  • 16.00 onwards:    Light refreshments and networking




Who should attend

C-level/Head of finance within the insurance industry

Date and time

Wednesday, 7 June 2023 14:30 – 16:00


Please register beforeThursday, 1 June 2023, by clicking here.


For more information about the event, please contact: Khun Yonchanok K. at


KPMG Theatre and KPMG Executive Lounge, 48th Floor, Empire Tower
1 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120 Map


Christopher Saunders

Christopher SaundersPartner and head of financial services sector KPMG in Thailand

Canopus Safdar

Canopus SafdarPartner KPMG in Thailand

Matt Crane

Matt CranePartner KPMG in Thailand

Barnaby Robson

Barnaby RobsonPartner KPMG in China

Paul Melody

Paul MelodyPartner KPMG in China


Arash Ghassemian

Arash GhassemianPartner KPMG in China

Stefan Steib

Stefan SteibDirector KPMG in Singapore

Jibu Philip

Jibu PhilipDirector KPMG in Singapore

Do Thi Giao Thuy

Do Thi Giao ThuyDirector KPMG in Vietnam

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