How to kickstart Net-Zero journey and Greenhouse Gas reporting?

Webinar | 25 April 2023 | 14:00 pm to 15.00 pm

Webinar | 25 April 2023 | 14:00 pm to 15.00 pm

How to kickstart Net-Zero journey and Greenhouse Gas reporting?

You are cordially invited to attend this KPMG Executive panel discussion on : How to kickstart Net-Zero journey and Greenhouse Gas reporting?

The call to action on climate change has advanced over recent years with companies facing more pressure than ever to set Net Zero target and develop actionable strategy.

Organizations on the net-zero journey need to gather and analyse data that gives a clear picture of their emissions footprints.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting is a crucial starting point in assessing the risks associated with climate change, reducing the negative environmental impact, improving confidence within all stakeholders and drive business to grow sustainably.

Key discussion areas:

  • Introduction to Net-Zero
  • KPMG’s approach to achieving net-zero
  • The initial steps taken throughout a net-zero process
  • Scope 1,2 and 3 GHG emission
  • How to start GHG reporting?
  • Key opportunities and risks in Net-Zero journey

We look forward to seeing you there!


English / Thai

Who should attend

C-level/ Head in strategy

Date and time

25 April 2023, 14:00pm to 15:00pm


Cisco Webex


Please register before 21 April 2023 by clicking here.


For more information about the event, please contact:
Khun Yonchanok K. at


Ganesan Kolandevelu Partner Climate Change and Sustainability KPMG in Thailand

Natthaphong Tantichattanon Partner Climate Change and Sustainability KPMG in Thailand

Rutthaporn Malayaphun Associate Director Climate Change and Sustainability KPMG in Thailand

Jassada Sakulku Associate Director Climate Change and Sustainability KPMG in Thailand

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