Tatiana Bespalova


KPMG in Thailand


  • Tatiana joined KPMG in Thailand in 2014. Prior to that, Tatiana was part of Tax Deal Advisory team at KPMG Australia, where she managed numerous M&A and infrastructure investment projects, advising large domestic and international investors on tax structuring issues, tax due diligence, bid preparation considerations and financial modeling.
  • Since joining KPMG in Thailand, Tatiana’s key focus is on supporting foreign companies in managing their Thai investments, including advising on market entry issues, buy side and sell side M&A assistance, group restructuring, exit and divestment strategies. 
  • Tatiana also focuses on developments in taxation of digital economy and impact on digital businesses.  Tatiana’s is the Digital Economy Taxation practice lead in Thailand.  
  • International Tax
  • Tax
  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of New South Wales, Australia

  • • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia

  • • Chartered Tax Adviser, the Taxation Institute of Australia

  • Provided tax due diligence and tax structuring advice on numerous inbound acquisitions by corporate and private equity investors in a range of sectors in Thailand.

  • Advised on several major outbound acquisitions made by Thai listed companies, involving multiple jurisdictions in ASPAC, Europe, the US and South America.

  • Extensive experience in Pan-Asian corporate restructuring and M&A transactions, focusing predominantly on Southeast Asia.

  • Advised on some of the largest infrastructure investment projects and deals in Australia with total value over USD15bn.