Our Compliance Health Check makes sure your business has no loose ends when it comes to regulatory requirements. We will look for any hidden dangers in your financials and provide you with suggestions on how to manage them before they grow into something more serious.

See where your business is at risk with our complete Compliance Health Check

You get to work with our best compliance experts. We look for red flags and provide you with a list of actionable recommendations on how to move forward. Pricing is always discussed with you first, so there will be no surprises.

Make your business attractive to investors

Value of any company is rooted in numbers and reputation. We will help your financial story stand up to scrutiny from current and future investors.

Only get the right kind of attention from authorities

Most penalties imposed by the Tax Office can be easily prevented. Don't lose time and resources resolving compliance oversights.

Make strategic decisions based on real numbers

Know where you stand today and plan for the future with complete confidence in your company's regulatory compliance and financials.

If you believe your compliance is currently in check, run a basic Compliance Screening to make sure you're on the right track.

A quick way to learn if there is anything to be concerned about regarding your regulatory compliance. We'll only need your company IČO. The screening is free of charge, completely confidential and will never involve any third parties.

Case Study

ClientA locally owned fast-growing retailer operating in the food & beverage industry.

BackgroundThe client was looking to get comfort on their compliance environment and needed advice as to what product or service would fit their needs.

Our approachRun a Compliance Health Check as an effective and efficient service to understand how strong their regulatory compliance agenda was and which areas needed to be remedied.

OutcomeOur Compliance Health Check service provided the client with insight as to their compliance with rules and regulations as well as clear recommendations on how they could be resolved in order to provide a robust internal control environment upon which the founder and investor can rely going forward. Follow-up access to our team ensured no new red flags arose as the company continued its growth success.

Contact us

Should you wish more information on how we can help your business or to arrange a meeting for personal presentation of our services, please contact us.