
KPMG in Košice is growing and moving to new premises.
From March 2023 you will find us at the new address: Business Center Košice III, Štúrova 50, 040 01 Košice.

Bratislava office

KPMG Slovensko spol. s r.o. River Park Dvořákovo nábrežie 10  811 02 Bratislava

Tel        +421 2 59984 111 Email    kpmg@kpmg.sk 

Office detail >

Košice Office

KPMG Slovensko spol. s r.o. Business Centre Košice III Štúrova 50 040 01 Košice

Tel       +421 2 5998 4111Email   kpmg@kpmg.sk

Office detail >