Benefits of KPMG outsourcing services

Benefits of KPMG outsourcing services

Benefits of KPMG outsourcing services

While deciding on the choice of the outsourcing partner, take a moment to discover the benefits of KPMG outsourcing services:

  • Individually calculated fee quote tailored for each project
  • Close relationship with each Client focused on staying in touch, transparent communication and knowledge of Client’s business and expectations
  • Pro-active approach to each Client, based on notifying clients of identified inconsistencies or missing documentation and proposing possible solutions
  • Comprehensive services delivered under one roof, effective flow of communication and documentation within KPMG network of member firms
  • Access to experts providing tax or legal advice within global and local KPMG network, sector-specific knowledge, foreign desks 
  • KPMG corporate culture based on our values, professional ethics and open communication
  • Interdisciplinary team of certified and trained professionals specializing in accounting, financial reporting and payroll administration, working cooperatively to deliver results within set deadlines
  • Long-standing experience in cooperation with tax offices and state authorities 
  • Reduction of risks related with legislative changes by helping you maintain compliance with Slovene regulations and keep the statutory deadlines
  • Complete confidentiality of your financial and payroll data
  • Optimalisation of documentation flow for accounting and payroll data, improvement of reporting procedures on management and group level
  • Reduction of business operating costs by cutting expenses on specialized IT software, staff hiring and training as well as monitoring of changes in legislation, giving you measurable savings for development and new investments
  • Concentration on core business giving you the possibility to maximize the company’s full potential and create a positive company’s image by a partnership with a reputable service provider.