The 2023 update of our environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments —
holding us accountable for progress towards a more sustainable future.

Over the past year, we've faced an array of challenges, from supply chain disruptions and energy crises to escalating geopolitical tensions and market volatility. These daunting hurdles have strained the resilience of governments, businesses, and individuals globally.

As a response, KPMG in Singapore has been at the forefront, partnering with our clients to navigate these challenges, effect positive change, and steadfastly embed ESG principles into all our undertakings. This is our commitment towards building lasting companies on a fragile planet.

Find out how we are realising this across four pillars: Planet, People, Prosperity and Governance.


Our planet is our home and our future. We are committed to driving a culture of sustainable practices within our organisation, supply chain and beyond to ensure a healthy planet for generations to come.


100% renewable energy in our new green Singapore office​

Singapore firm curbed 54% emissions from flight travel

Globally, 9% emissions reduction against FY21 performance — and a 25% reduction against 2019 baseline

Adoption of circular behaviours in Singapore resulted in 27kg of E-waste collected in first six months and 89% reduction in paper use since 2019


At the heart of our organisation lies our most valuable resource — our people. Here’s how we are shaping a workplace fit for the future, in collaboration with our people every step of the way. KPMG in Singapore is investing in leading-edge talent to deliver quality outcomes in a changing world.

Our Impact Plan

Close to 60% of KPMG's workforce in Singapore are women

80% of Singapore employees feel that they are treated with dignity and respect at work

Representation of women in leadership across KPMG firms sits at 27.4%, up 0.8 percentage points from FY21​


A key part of achieving success is ensuring no one gets left behind. We drive progress by building the capacities of Singapore and industry, while empowering people to act on their passions for the greater good.


​14% growth in annual aggregated revenues for KPMG firms globally (US$34.64 billion)

US$148 million in financial support to local communities globally and S$952,000 in Singapore

28% rise in volunteer hours globally (618,000 hours)


Good governance inspires greatness. Over the years, we have inspired confidence by building trust and empowering change to shape a better future. We are driving purposeful business, while doubling down on information protection.


Invited more than 500 key global suppliers to disclose their carbon-footprint data ​

Singapore firm has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption

100% completion of “We Do What is Right: Integrity at KPMG” course in Singapore for FY22

KPMG Our Impact Plan 2023

KPMG in Singapore: Our Impact Plan

While we might not be able to predict the future, one thing is certain — the journey towards creating a sustainable tomorrow begins today. Read KPMG in Siingapore's Our Impact Plan to learn how we can shape a lasting world better together.

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