KPMG RegTech Services

KPMG RegTech Services

Providing full lifecycle support through your RegTech transformation journey.


KPMG has developed a host of RegTech solutions, both in-house and in collaboration with select technology partners. Our deep risk, regulatory and process expertise within our Advisory practice and the specialized technology capabilities within KPMG’s Digital + Innovation team enables us to provide full lifecycle support through your RegTech transformation journey.  

RegTec transformation journey
Functions Offerings Enabling Technologies  
Risk Management  
  • Application score cards
  • Credit risk models
  • Collections analytics
  • Fraud analytics  
Cognitive machine  
  • Client onboarding
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Trade surveillance  
  • Robotics processing 
  • Cognitive machine
  • Automated voice monitoring and analysis  
Regulatory Managed Service  
  • IFRS 9
  • Stress testing
  • Market Risk
Cloud Hosted Solution  


Our deployment model

KPMG offers a range of deployment models to suit your business requirements.

The key models are outlined below: 

  • KPMG’s Managed Service Model – this Cloud-based service will deliver KPMG’s customized insights and best practice methodologies coupled with our RegTech approach. This allows us to deliver more value at a lower cost.
  • On-premise model – which enables the business to have direct control over the solution.


Managed Service Model

Read more about KPMG’s cloud-based Managed Service Model

Read more about our RegTech Services

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