The KPMG Wellness Garden is a first-of-its-kind multigenerational wellness garden at East Coast Park. Envisioned as an inclusive nature oasis for park visitors of all ages and abilities, it offers a mix of tranquil, nature-based interactions. The garden consists of 4 key zones: a therapeutic garden, a pond trail, a nature fitness area and a nature playgarden.


East Coast Park, Area D (Beside Carpark D5)

A garden designed with purpose


The KPMG Wellness Garden is one of 30 therapeutic gardens that the National Parks Board (NParks) will establish across the island-state by 2030, as part of efforts to transform Singapore into a City in Nature and enhance the health and well-being of park users through greenery.

Planned in conjunction with KPMG in Singapore’s 80th anniversary, the garden's 1.1 hectare blueprint was unveiled in November 2021.

Designed with inclusiveness in mind, the KPMG Wellness Garden incorporates features for various groups of users, from young children to seniors, ensuring that there is something for everyone. 

wellness garden

wellness garden

An oasis for the senses


As you stroll through the garden on your next visit, look out for special log cookies that were painted by distinguised guests at the official opening of KPMG in Singapore’s new office in November 2022. These totems symbolise our shared goal for lasting positive impact, and celebrates the diversity of local flora species on site. 

The garden features different planting zones, rich in colours, fragrances and textures to calm the mind and spark imagination, developing an appreciation for nature as you explore.


Healing spaces, uplifting faces


The Therapeutic Garden is scientifically designed to meet the physical, psychological and social needs of park users. It will also host therapeutic horticulture programmes to improve the wellbeing of the elderly, as well as children with special needs. These programmes help promote low-intensity exercise, improve motor skills, stimulate memory and encourage positive social interactions between people and nature.

The garden serves as a perfect complement to KPMG’s commitment to embrace ESG solutions, support communities and refresh Singapore’s social compact.

wellness garden

wellness garden

Fit for nature

The nature fitness area allows visitors to enjoy lush garden scenery and materials such as upcycled logs while execising. Designed for accesibility, both the young and young at heart can enjoy the play and fitness equipment catered to a variety of abilities and age groups. This includes wheelchair-friendly trampolines and lookout platforms accesible by ramps.

This area is well-catered for seniors and individuals with different abilities, with carefully-designed features such as barrier-free paths, abundant seating, and rest stops to take a breather while exercising.

For the young, and young at heart

Discover a 1,3000 sqm nature playgarden with inclusive elements for children of various ages and abilities to explore a naturalistic coastal environment where they can connect to, observe, and appreciate nature.  

Children can engage in spontaneous play with features such as a raised sand play table, lookout platforms that are accessible by ramps, a wheelchair-accessible trampoline, and a musical play station.

A day out at the Wellness Garden

This September, people from across our firm came together to celebrate the inauguration of the KPMG Wellness Garden. Visitors will now be able to experience the full 1.1 hectare of green enclave.

The event brought together colleagues, KPMG’s beneficiaries, and representatives from National Parks, and featured several activities designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing across the garden’s different zones. Surrounded by calming waves, picturesque pond views and fragrant, edible plants in bloom, it was truly an unforgettable day of reconnecting with nature and each other!

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