Yew Chee Meng

Yew Chee Meng

Chee Meng
  1. Can you briefly describe your current role and responsibilities? I work at a social enterprise group and take care of statutory reporting and regulation compliance, and projects relating to restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, implementation of group policies, procedures and systems as well as risk management, treasury and capital management.
  2. What part of your job do you find particularly meaningful or satisfying? I’m given the autonomy and the platform to challenge conventional thinking, do things differently and break new ground. That’s what I like about my role here. Here, we are first and foremost a social enterprise. Hence, not all commercial practices can be directly applied here. We have to find solutions that fit the organisation’s unique vision, mission and culture. But this provides a different learning curve for me which keeps me motivated.
  3. What is the one most important factor that motivated you during your time at KPMG? The learning opportunities offered by working with clients and partners have spurred me in my time at KPMG. How we need to unlearn and re-learn what we know before we could learn new skills and competencies. For me, a vigorous learning environment at the firm also helps to imbue greater self-confidence and motivates me to keep on taking on new challenges and tasks.
  4. What were your most memorable experiences at KPMG and is there anything you miss? Stock-taking! It sounds strange but I don’t think I will ever have the chance to do so anymore – from counting beef patties and french fries to fleets of cars, construction cranes and forklifts. You get to interact with clients first-hand and better understand their nature of work.
  5. What advice do you have for people who may be contemplating a similar career? My advice would be to look within, be honest and focus on your own life goals. Know what you want to achieve in life, not just in career. You will then make a career decision that is aligned with your higher self and intentions. Every job is more or less the same. The difference lies in the degree of the issues or challenges we face every day. Ultimately, one needs to feel that he is contributing meaningfully to an organisation. And finally, above all, it’s all about the people that you work with. Make sure you like the people and the environment. If you do, you would excel and be happy.
  6. Please describe how you feel about KPMG today. The firm has certainly changed over the years and has moved with the times, especially in the use of technology as part of the audit process. I feel that the firm can afford to be more technology savvy and leverage technology to deliver greater value to clients and to communicate with them better. Despite changing with the times, some things stay the same at the firm, in particular the core values that underpin interactions with clients. These are what set KPMG apart from other firms.
  7. Last but not least, how can we reach you? Please email to if you are interested to connect with me.

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