"Four reasons why tech transformations go wrong - and how you can prevent it"

Filip Romeling, Client Engagement Manager in data and AI, is responsible for understanding and supporting the client’s specific needs and challenges, and to ensure KPMG's advanced technology offerings, such as AI, meet those needs.

What does technology transformation mean to you?

Filip: Technology transformation is the process of using technology to fundamentally change the way an organization operates. This can involve transforming the value chain, business capabilities, people, and processes.

What role does generative AI play in transformations?

Filip: Generative AI provides a new set of tools that can be used to implement intelligent solutions in organizations more quickly and effectively. It can be used to automate tasks, generate new ideas, and create personalized experiences for customers. Generative AI is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate.

"Generative AI is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate."


Why would a client choose to work with KPMG on tech-enabled transformation?

Filip: KPMG offers a unique combination of industry expertise, global reach, and cutting-edge technology capabilities to help organizations transform their businesses with technology. We can help our clients develop and implement tech-enabled solutions that drive innovation, improve efficiency, and create new value for clients.

Why do transformations sometimes go wrong?

Lack of clear vision and strategy: Transformation should be driven by a clear vision and strategy for the future of the organization. Without this, it is difficult to get everyone aligned and moving in the same direction.

Poor communication and change management: Transformation can be disruptive, so it is important to communicate effectively with stakeholders and manage change carefully. Otherwise, resistance to change can build up and derail the transformation.

Unrealistic expectations: Transformation takes time and effort. It is important to have realistic expectations about what can be achieved and to set achievable milestones.

Insufficient investments: Transformations are significant and has the potential to yield great returns. But if the organization is not willing to make the proper investments, and take the short-term drop-in efficiency, the transformation is likely to fail.

What difference does KPMG make for the individual, businesses, and our society?

Filip: In short KPMG makes a difference for individuals, businesses, and society by providing the insights, advice, and support that people and organizations need to succeed.

KPMG provides individuals with tools, training, support and opportunities to develop their skills and careers. They can in turn use their skills to provide businesses with the advice and support the businesses need to succeed. Beyond this KPMG is also committed to making a positive impact on society.

What makes a transformation effort successful in your view?

Filip: A successful transformation effort enables people to deliver more value, using data and technology more efficiently. This is evidenced by a shift in focus from repetitive labour to higher-value tasks. To achieve this the organization needs a strong and visionary leadership from the top. Leaders need to be able to articulate the vision for the transformation, build consensus and motivate the employees to embrace change.

What are some of the challenges clients face when they undertake digital transformation?

Filip: Clients face a number of challenges when they undertake digital transformation, including uncertainty; a constantly changing landscape; resistance to change; and the need for upskilling. One of the biggest challenges is the transformation and change management in ways of working, and the level of uncertainty each employee needs to manage as the new organization forms. Another aspect to consider is the significant shift in organizational culture, this can be a challenge, especially for large and traditional organizations.


KPMG generative AI survey report 2023

An exclusive KPMG survey shows how top leaders are approaching this transformative technology. Harnessing the transformative power of generative AI will require a balance of speed with thoughtful planning and careful risk mitigation.

Download report >

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