Brexit to-do deadline: 1st of January 2021

Brexit to-do deadline: 1st of January 2021

Times flies – are YOU prepared for Brexit and the new customs regulations?



Ulrika Badenfelt

Head of Trade & Customs

KPMG i Sverige


The Brexit is a fact and the transition period for the UK ends 2020-12-31. The new regulations start to apply 2021-01-01. Make sure to check that you have all the information you need and that you are prepared in order to avoid costs and delays.

Items to consider in advance of Brexit

  • Analyze if you are importing goods from EU or outside EU, since different rules apply for these two different origin of goods.
  • Will you make the customs declarations inhouse or will you hire a customs agent? Make sure to contact them in due time and to evaluate if they have enough experience to handle your cargo.
  • Does your company have a an EORI-number which starts with GB? If not – it´s time to apply for one.
  • Make sure that you have all the classification numbers for your goods ready and check the rate of tax and duty which may apply.
  • Check if you must apply for any licenses.
  • If you handle plant seeds or food – make sure that your marking and labelling is compliant to the new standards.
  • If you import excise duty goods, e.g. alcohol and tobacco – you may no longer use the Simplified Accompanying Administrative Document (SAAD) or EU distance-selling arrangements.

If you have any questions regarding Brexit, international trade, customs or excise duties – don’t hesitate to contact the indirect tax team at KPMG!

Ulrika Badenfelt Head of Trade & Customs KPMG Sweden +46 72 368 85

Emmilie Welander +46 72 394 65

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

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