Getting Ready for Brexit – Immigration

Getting Ready for Brexit – Immigration

What you need to consider if there is No deal or if there is some kind of deal.



Heléne Markström

Auktoriserad skatterådgivare

KPMG i Sverige


Once again Brexit has been delayed so the uncertainty for UK nationals living in Sweden and Swedish nationals living in the UK will continue. For Swedish nationals who are already living in the UK, applications can now be made for settled or pre-settled status. In addition, there are a few clarifications from the Swedish side for UK nationals.


If the UK leaves the EU with an agreement, during the transition period UK Nationals and their families will have the same rights as exist currently and be able to continue living, working and studying in Sweden without the requirement of a residence and/or work permit. What happens after the transition period remains to be seen.

No Deal

If there is no deal, the UK will be a Schengen ‘third country’ by midnight on the 31st of January 2020 at the latest. Therefore, companies will need to identify those employees who will be impacted by Brexit and review corporate policies which may need to be changed when the landscape for European travel will shift dramatically. Below, KPMG have outlined what will happen and what needs to do if the UK leaves the EU without an agreement.

British citizens in Sweden before Brexit

For British citizens who are in Sweden with right of residence when Brexit happens, the Swedish government has adopted changes in the legal framework which gives this group a grace period to obtain the necessary residence paperwork. During this period British citizens will be able to continue to live and work in Sweden. For travelling abroad during this period there is a need to apply for an exemption stamp from the Migration Agency.

What permit type will be needed after the exemption period? The Swedish Government has proposed the following:

  • A British citizen who has a permanent right of residence in Sweden before Brexit is eligible for permanent residence permit in Sweden
  • A British citizen who fulfill the requirements for right of residence before Brexit is eligible for a temporary residence permit that will be valid for the duration of five years.

Family members of British citizens are eligible for a temporary residence permit, if they live in Sweden before the UK leaves the EU The proposals are relevant only in the scenario where the UK leaves the EU without a withdrawal agreement. The proposed temporary regulation is suggested to enter into force on January 1 2020.British citizens relocating to Sweden post Brexit In the event of a British exit from the EU without an agreement, for UK nationals entering Sweden after the exit date, the general rules will apply, meaning that they must obtain a residence and/or work permit before entering Sweden in order to be allowed to reside and/or work in Sweden.EU citizens travelling to the UKEU citizens will be required to have a valid passport when they travel to the UK. A national ID-card will no longer suffice. At this time, a visa will not be needed for shorter stays in the UK. However, if the intention is to stay for more than three months, a temporary residence permit is required. The so called European Temporary Leave to Remain (Euro TLR) will give the right to stay for 36 months. For EU citizens who are already residing in the UK before the exit day will be able to stay, provided that they apply for settled status at the latest on the 31st of December 2020 or 30 June 2021 in the event of a withdrawal agreement exit. More information on can be found on KPMG’s Brexit site and on the British Government Brexit webpage.

Please contact us if you would like to know more

Heléne Markström +46 31 61 48

Victoria Robinson +46 721 86 90

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