New reporting system – employer return on an individual basis

New reporting system for employer

As of 1 January 2019 every employer that is required to file a monthly employer tax return must now report the information both on an individual level and on a company level.



Johnny Ekström

Auktoriserad skatterådgivare personbeskattning

KPMG i Sverige


As of 1 of January 2019 every employer that is required to file a monthly employer tax return must now report the information both on an individual level and on a company level.

The reform requires a new process that should be based on the individual reporting, which should thereafter be compiled into the company level reporting. The information that must be included in the return is both extensive and relatively new.

This requires a system which can compile the information internally and then transmit the information to the Swedish Tax Agency.

The Swedish Tax Agency has provided some legal guidelines, which explains how certain issues/questions, should be dealt with.

Further issues/questions may arise on a tax and organizational level.

KPMG recommends to investigate and ensure that internal routines are adapted to be able to be compliant with the new legislation/system.

KPMG can assist with providing advice on the necessary steps to be done in order to be compliant when the first filings are due. 

You are welcome to contact us if you want to know more about the new requirements/demands and if you want our help with your internal processes.

Johnny Ekström +46 70 645 02

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