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The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the Amendments to the Rulebook on Electronic Invoicing (Rulebook), which are published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 116/2023 dated 26 December 2023.

Respective changes apply as of 1 January 2024. As exemptions, amendments which refer to the list of users of the electronic invoice system (SEF) will apply from 1 March 2024.

The most important novelties are presented below.

Deadline for electronic recording of VAT in SEF

Respective amendments of the Rulebook harmonize it with the Law on Electronic Invoicing regarding the deadline for electronic recording of VAT.

Namely, in line with the amendments, the deadline for electronic recording of VAT is 10 (instead of previous 15) days after the end of tax period.

Electronic recording of VAT for which there is an obligation to issue an electronic invoice

The deadline for electronic recording of VAT for transactions for which there is an obligation to issue an e-invoice (if the e-invoice is not issued within the deadline for electronic recording of VAT in SEF) has been shortened.

Namely, it is prescribed that if an e-invoice is not issued within 10 days after the end of the tax period, the calculated VAT is recorded in the individual records for that tax period.

Electronic recordings of VAT on advance payment when the tax debtor is the recipient of goods and services

It is specified that in the case of advance payment when the tax debtor is the recipient of goods and services, VAT on advance payment is recorded in the tax period in which the advance was paid, and for the tax period in which the supply was made, the amount of the difference between the VAT amount calculated on the amount of consideration for performed supply and the VAT amount based on the advance payment.

The list of SEF users

It is envisaged that (as of March 1, 2024) the list of SEF users should contain the following data on SEF users: 1) Tax Identification Number -TIN; 2) Unique Number Of User Of Public Funds - JBKJS (except users of public funds who belong to type 8 of users of public funds in accordance with the budget system regulations); 3) date of registration on SEF; 4) date of deletion (if the entity is deleted from the list of SEF users).

It is specified that the deletion from the list of SEF users is, as a rule, initiated by submission of an electronic request by the SEF user.


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KPMG Tax & Legal Department KPMG d.o.o. Beograd Milutina Milankovića 1J 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia T: +381 11 20 50 500 F: +381 11 20 50 550tax@kpmg.rs
