Employee transportation costs - Tax Authorities Letter

Employee transportation costs - Tax Authorities Letter

On 25 April 2019 the Tax Authorities issued an official notice to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce regarding the issue employee’s transportation cost taking into consideration the Ministry of Finance opinion no. 011-00-12/2019-4 dated 1 February 2019.


On 25 April 2019 the Tax Authorities issued an official notice to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce regarding the issue employee’s transportation cost taking into consideration the Ministry of Finance opinion no. 011-00-12/2019-4 dated 1 February 2019.

Among other things, the notice states that audit guidelines are currently prepared by the Tax Authorities that will define in more details how the Tax Authorities will audit the payment of employees’ costs of transportation to and from work.

Please find attached the notice issued to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Serbian language, as well as translation to English.

If you have any questions or you need assistance of our tax professionals, please contact us.

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