Decree on Conditions and Method for Attracting Direct Investments

Decree for Attracting Direct Investments

The Decree on Conditions and Method for Attracting Direct Investments (hereinafter: the Decree) went into effect on 21 March 2015.


The Decree specifies that funds intended for attracting direct investments can be used for financing investment projects in the production sector and service sector which are geared toward the international market (software development, shared service centres, data storage and processing, logistics, user and project centres).

The funds cannot be used for financing investment projects in the sector of primary agricultural production, fishing and aquaculture, transportation, hotel and restaurant industry, retail stores, games of chance, production of synthetic fibres, coal and steel, tobacco and tobacco products, weapons and ammunition, shipbuilding (construction of seafaring commercial boats with engines – at least 100 gross registered tons), airports, the energy sector and broadband network.

Granting of funds shall be carried out based on public invitation and in accordance with the Decree. The public invitation shall be posted on the websites of the Ministry of Economy and the Agency for Foreign Investments and Promotion of Exports.

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