The Rulebook on Tax Return

The Rulebook on Tax Return

The Rulebook on Content of the Tax Return on Calculated and Paid Withholding Tax on Income Realised by Resident and Non-Resident Legal Entities from the Supply of Secondary Raw Materials has been adopted


The Rulebook on Content of the Tax Return on Calculated and Paid Withholding Tax on Income Realised by Resident and Non- Resident Legal Entities from the Supply of Secondary Raw Materials (“Rulebook”) was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 61 dated 12 July 2013.

The Rulebook went into effect on 13 July 2013.

A resident legal entity that pays a consideration to another resident or non-resident legal entity for the supply of secondary raw materials and scrap is required to calculate, withhold and pay withholding tax at a rate of 1% at the time of payment of such consideration.

The payer files a tax return on the PPDSO form as prescribed by the Rulebook.

The tax return is filed quarterly and at the latest within 15 days from the end of the quarter. Although the tax return is filed quarterly, consideration paid for each moth in the quarter are declared separately, including the amount of tax.

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