Adopted amendments to the VAT Law

Adopted amendments

On 25 September 2012 the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the Law on amendments of the VAT Law, which is published in Official Gazette of RS no. 93/2012 dated 28 September 2012.


The previous amendments to the VAT Law (the Law) were introduced in 2007. It can be said that these amendments are the most significant since the adoption of the Law.

Application of adopted changes With the exception of provisions which define application of general and reduced VAT rate, VAT charge paid to agricultural producers and VAT refund to buyers of the first apartment which are applicable as of 1 October 2012, all other provisions will be applicable as of 1 January 2013.

In addition, provisions related to compulsory VAT deregistration of taxpayers whose turnover is below RSD 2 million cease to be effective as of the day when the Law becomes effective.

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