Transparency Report

Transparency Report

The transparency and credibility of communication reflect our commitment to maintain the highest quality services.

Ensuring that our communication is transparent and reliable is one of our core values.

The Transparency Report provides us with the opportunity to set out how we maintain and continuously improve our audit quality processes and provide professional services in full compliance with local expert and ethical standards, as well as international best practice.

Our commitment to quality is underpinned by our values, which form the foundation of our culture and set the tone at the top. We feel it is important to underline and reconfirm those things we stand for: to lead by example, work together, respect the individual, seek the facts and provide insights as well as to be committed to our communities. Our values also form the foundation of our approach to our services and shape how we work together, developing and supporting our people to be the best they can be. The integrity of our people and our work is paramount to everything we do at KPMG.

This report plays an important role in communicating to all our stakeholders the measures we take to deliver work of the highest standard. We hope you find it a useful insight.


Uroš Ačanski Senior Partner KPMG in Serbia

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