The public infrastructure has, so far, been managed by state and public agencies. Increased competition from global players along with the growing demand for transparency means that private and public sectors require more targeted approaches to tackling these new challenges.

The demand for large investments, the existence of strong lobbies, public exposure, relatively low profitability levels, and the fact that the market is owned by traditional players pose substantial barriers to entry for startup firms. Even for the traditional players, constantly changing market conditions push them towards the need for higher efficiency levels. As trusted advisors to government organizations across the world, KPMG seeks to offer progressive strategies to help address the range of challenges facing the public sector. Governments across the globe are increasingly turning to public-private initiatives as a means to deliver improvements in public services. Under these schemes, private sector business insight can be applied to cooperative public sector projects.

How can we help?

As the current economic climate continues to further squeeze the public sector, we draw upon our extensive experience in both the private and public sectors to bring a fresh perspective and offer creative ideas. And because governments confront similar issues and challenges, our firms’ professionals are able to share their experiences across the globe to help generate new approaches.