Setting up your business with most tax optimized business model is of great importance as tax leakage could affect smooth operations of the business. For ongoing operations, regular tax related checks, seeking tax advice before entering into a new business transaction or business relationship, is an aspect, which should not be ignored by the companies.

Our tax advisory specialists will guide you through to conduct any business transaction in Qatar in a tax-effective manner. Our inbound advisory service offerings broadly cover the following:

  • Effective tax structuring from a Qatar tax perspective
  • Permanent establishment (“PE”) exposure in Qatar
  • Place of effective management exposure
  • Tax efficient repatriation of income
  • Assistance in preparation of tax audits including tax litigations
  • Advice on double taxation reliefs available under various tax treaties
  • Tax due diligence and review guidance
  • Transfer pricing (State and QFC) and thin capitalization (QFC)
  • Tax advisory on merger and acquisitions.  

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