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Transitions within the energy market and regulations in the field of: fuels, technology, electricity and heat will force or have already forced many changes within the energy-intensive industries. These changes also apply to enterprises for which the price of heat and electricity are one of the main operating costs.

Rising electricity prices in Poland, as well as rising prices of CO2 emissions together with the pressure towards energy transformation create both, many challenges and opportunities.

Ensuring energy security forces entrepreneurs to use conventional energy sources, such as coal or gas. These sources guarantee a constant energy supply, while renewable sources enforce use of additional conventional technologies or expensive investments in energy storage, as well as rising prices for CO2 emissions and pressure of energy transformation create both many challenges and opportunities.

The consequence of changes in the energy market are new investments and entrepreneurs' efforts to increase energy efficiency. Decisions made in this area will weigh on the future position in an increasingly competitive market.

The answer to this challenge is a well-thought-out strategy, an energy concept addressing the future needs of enterprises.

Therefore, KPMG decided to develop dedicated team for these challenges. We selected a team of specialists with experience in the Oil & Gas, Generation, Mining and Energy-intensive Enterprises sectors.

We also support enterprises not directly related to the energy sector but impacted by price changes and increases in the energy sector. We support our clients in the following areas:

  • Energy strategies and technical advisory,
  • Compensation for the energy-intensive industry and additional financing for medium and large enterprises,
  • Energy audits aimed at increasing energy efficiency,
  • Introduction of the latest metering systems, reducing operating costs and increasing knowledge of assets,
  • Preparation, organization, contracting, investment settlement and construction disputes,
  • Energy market mechanisms, regulatory as well as smartgrid and AMI,
  • Asset Management and standards ISO 5500X,
  • ICT & OT strategy,
  • IT / OT system security, including infrastructure security, processes and management,
  • Requirements analysis, design, selection support and implementation of IT solutions dedicated to energy companies.

Please contact us to sign up for a meeting, during which dedicated KPMG Teams will present you current situation on the energy market. At the meeting, our experts will present available technologies and market solutions to meet the needs of your company.