Compliance failure can result in reputational and financial risk which can tarnish strategic vision and mission.

We support local and international businesses to achieve their business goals in a most competitive manner. Understanding their business operations and transactions in multiple jurisdiction is of prime importance for a company’s survival in the competitive age.

We provide full range of services to meet their business needs from tax advisory, consulting and cross border restructuring by analyzing the best possible strategies that meet their business objectives through analyzing tax and regulatory implications of transactions and finally implementation assistance, from the perspectives of domestic law and the international tax treaty network.

How we can add value to your business:

Strategic level

  • Guiding on tax effective and efficient strategies for both inbound and outbound investments.
  • Advising on the planning opportunities presented by domestic tax laws and international treaty network.
  • Tax savings through structural reorganization in the shape of acquisition, divestment and mergers.

Tactical level

  • Analyzing the business structure in light of the business goal.
  • Conceptualization of tax optimum business structure to meet the business needs and to provide competitive advantage.
  • Implementation of the structure envisaged considering the business needs for restructuring from a tax and regulatory point of view.

Operational level

  • Tax return preparation and its filing with tax authorities.
  • Representation services before the tax authorities including assistance in tax audits by the tax authorities.
  • Assistance in appeal proceedings and tax litigation support.
  • Tax withholding advisory.
  • Review of tax status and evaluation of tax exposures.
  • Approval of retirement benefit funds from taxation authorities and other related matters thereto.

Advisory Level

  • Advice on various domestic as well as international tax matters including cross-border transactions.
  • Advice from a tax perspective in respect of agreements to be entered into by various parties.
  • Advice on withholding tax obligations on payments to residents/non-residents.
  • Tax advisory for positions to be adopted in the tax return.
  • Advice on permanent establishment exposure and its tax impact.
  • Advising on repatriation strategies.
  • Review of operations and analyze the impact of Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) measures.

Tax Health Check and Due Diligences

  • Carry out diagnostic health check analysis from a tax perspective.
  • Buy-side and sell-side tax due diligence for strategic acquisition and disposals.
  • Ascertaining the tax liabilities (if any) that affect the financial performance of the entity, once the investment or disinvestment has been concluded.


Assisting clients on disputes with tax authorities including representations before tax and appellate authorities and liaison with lawyers in appeals before the High Court and Supreme Court.