An effective, well-managed IT system is one of the most valuable business advantages an organization can secure. The right technology, implemented properly, appropriately managed and monitored, can lead to significant gains in growth and efficiency. It is essential to get sound business advice to ensure technology risks are managed. IT is challenging to get right and expensive to get wrong — not only in terms of dollars spent, but also in lost efficiency and potential regulatory infringements.

We work with clients to analyze business technology issues within their businesses. A client might approach us for assistance with:

Shared Services Outsourcing - We offer guidance on the most appropriate strategies for outsourcing or offshoring IT services and ensure that effective controls are implemented.

Technology Enablement Review & Assessment - Reviews and assessments of IT projects involving SAP/Oracle/Microsoft & Other systems, where other parties are engaged to undertake the strategy, blueprinting, control design, development, testing, and program or project management stages. 

Technology Enablement Implementation Services - IT projects involving SAP/Oracle/Microsoft & Other systems. Services related to the strategy, blueprinting, control design, development, testing, deployment, and post-go live stages of an SAP system development lifecycle.

Project & Program Management - Services related to technology implementation project and program management, other than those projects and programs using technology relating to SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Workday, or ServiceNow.

We focus on the business impact of technology rather than systems implementation, and we are not tied to any hardware or software suppliers. As a result, our advice is independent and geared to the specific needs of each client.

Global capabilities

We understand the need to keep pace with technology and take advantage of the tremendous opportunities offered by technological innovation, but we are also aware of the risks involved and the responsibility at the Board level to control these risks.

Increasingly, with the global nature of many organizations, we are aware of the need to develop innovative solutions that are repeatable and easily distributable. As a global organization ourselves, we can provide global support where necessary.

We support with:

A team of experienced professionals, equipped with strong business skills, as well as in-depth sector knowledge and specialist IT skills a consistent, integrated global platform the combined resources of one of the world’s leading business advisory networks.

KPMG’s IT Advisory team is a trusted advisor to the Boards of some of the world’s largest multinational organizations. We operate in the developed markets and in the key emerging economies of Central and Eastern Europe, Central and South America and Asia-Pacific.