Our goal is to assist New Zealand businesses to unlock growth opportunities and achieve their ambitions by accessing different sources of innovation and sustainability funding, such as the R&D tax incentive and government grants.

We are a multidisciplinary team of passionate and experienced engineers, scientists, software developers, and business advisers who speak the language of your team and will work closely with your business to articulate its ambitions to relevant stakeholders.

We will work with you to:

  • Demystify the funding ecosystem;
  • Understand your portfolio of innovation projects and initiatives to help you identify eligible activities;
  • Prepare and submit the required documentation helping to reduce application time, manage compliance and navigate the assessment process and;
  • optimise those projects to achieve your strategic goals.

Being part of the broader KPMG whānau means we can also identify other areas where you may need business support, and then bring the relevant experts into our relationship.

If you're working on something new or exciting and you think there may be an opportunity for support, get in touch with us today.

Watch: What is the R&D Tax Credit?


Watch: Our approach to the R&D Tax Credit


Watch: Record-keeping for the R&D Tax Credit


Watch: Eligible costs for R&D tax credits


Our Insights


Which other grants might I be eligible for?

For activities which aren’t aligned to the RDTI or new Ārohia Innovation Trailblazer Grant, there are great alternatives providing high co-funding rates. If your business is thinking about sustainability and projects to reduce your emissions, it is likely that there will be funding available from other government agencies. Find out more here