

Customs duties, import GST and excise can impose significant costs and compliance obligations on businesses, KPMG can help.

KPMG can help with customs duties, import GST and excise requirements.

KPMG's Customs practice can help you with a range of customs requirements. Customs duties, import GST and excise can impose significant costs and compliance obligations on businesses. In duty paying industries, the amount of duties paid on imported stock throughout the financial year can exceed the amount of income tax paid annually.

How KPMG can help

  • Identifying transfer pricing, customs and supply chain efficiencies. 
  • Helping develop customs and transfer pricing policies.
  • Assistance with a full range of customs valuation issues.
  • Accessing preferential duty rates under New Zealand's network of Free Trade Agreements.
  • Securing duty concessions for high value imports.
  • Managing New Zealand Customs Service audits and liaison with the New Zealand Customs Service on behalf of our clients.
  • Customs tariff classifications.

KPMG's Customs Analyser helps companies review their customs practices for compliance with customs rules. It can also identify cost saving opportunities.KPMG's global network With customs professionals around the world, KPMG can provide you with customs advice wherever you do business.

For more information on Customs, please view our Customs Tax Intelligence Solution brochure.

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