It’s easy to fall off the path to growth. It’s far more difficult to get back on. KPMG Turnaround and Restructuring professionals can help you do it.

Our teams of creative and dedicated problem solvers are single-mindedly focused on quickly and effectively putting you back on the path to growth. Leveraging our full range of capabilities, our professionals help create unique solutions to your problems, supported by some of the industry’s most innovative tools, enabling technologies and proven methodologies.

KPMG is the one global network that can take you from value preservation to value restoration, helping you every step of the way from insights through to implementation. Our focus is on helping you solve your problems, so you can get your company back on the path to growth. 

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Value Restoration | Turnaround

Rapid transformation isn’t easy. But with the right insights and actions, you can create a leaner,more flexible and more competitive future for your organization.

  • Review and improve your operating processes
  • Uncover opportunities to improve your results
  • Streamline your sales processes to provide better customer service
  • Manage your production loads to improve service quality
  • Be prepared to anticipate, mitigate and address risks
  • Manage your cash flow and deal with liquidity pressures
  • Align your business plan with your long-term objectives
  • Speed up a divestment or integration
  • Create resilience and agility in your supply chain
  • Assess the value of a potential acquisition

Value Preservation | Restructuring and insolvency

Financial restructuring can be the catalyst to an improvement in company performance and sustainable growth.

  • Assess your short-term funding requirements
  • Test your solvency
  • Develop robust stakeholder maps
  • Secure stakeholder agreement on next steps
  • Assess short-term value options and risks
  • Accurately review recent performance, management and strategy
  • Challenge the business plan effectively
  • Estimate enterprise value and evaluate M&A options
  • Identify appropriate restructuring options
  • Create a negotiation strategy