Even in challenging economic times, business leaders need to consider major transactions as a means of renewing and transforming their enterprises.

Strategic transactions – acquisitions, divestments, IPOs, privatisations, mergers and alliances, debt and equity deals – can enhance competitive advantage and shareholder value.

In these transactions, the margins for error are thin and lenders and investors are unforgiving of poorly thought out and executed deals.

High quality, professional advice assists companies to complete successful transactions that result from clear-eyed analysis, strategic focus and disciplined execution. This is where KPMG can make a difference.

KPMG's Transaction Services practice offers financial due diligence and related services to help clients assess, plan and manage acquisitions, mergers, divestments and initial and secondary debt and equity offerings.

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How we can help

Undertaking public domain due diligence to provide an objective initial assessment of the financial and commercial position of potential acquisition or merger targets.

Using investigative analysis to assess the key issues facing a target business and the drivers of its historic and projected profits and cash flows.

Providing services to vendors ranging from evaluating disposal options through to various post-sale actions and obligations.

Compiling objective information to help vendors make sound business decisions and to facilitate the buy-side due diligence process of potential purchasers.

Supporting clients considering listing on the ASX or another stock exchange, raising debt or equity, undertaking or defending takeovers, or entering into schemes of arrangements.

  • strategic, commercial and operational issues
  • gathering and interpreting relevant information
  • integration and synergy assessment
  • operational due diligence and performance.

KPMG supports these services with its global capabilities, detailed industry knowledge, superior service and performance, and powerful insights gained from continuing research into the factors making for successful transactions.

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