The corporate reporting landscape is constantly evolving to keep up with new challenges and expectations from stakeholders. To help businesses stay ahead of new requirements, our team at KPMG provides a monthly update so you get the information you need in one place.

Reporting News updates cover:

  • Financial Reporting - the application of financial reporting standards in New Zealand, legislative and regulatory changes and other New Zealand-specific reporting topics;
  • Better Business Reporting - the latest updates from the regulators aimied at building trust and transparency in corporate reporting; and
  • Governance - roles and responsibilities of directors in corporate reporting.

Reporting update published by KPMG New Zealand, which focus on a specific financial reporting issue that is current and relevant for entities reporting in New Zealand.

Simon Lee - KPMG New Zealand

Technical Director - Accounting Advisory Services

KPMG in New Zealand


Reporting News 2024

Reporting News | January 2024

Reporting News 2023

Reporting News | November 2023

Reporting News | October 2023

Reporting News | September 2023

Reporting News | August 2023

Reporting News | July 2023

Reporting News | June 2023

Reporting News | May 2023

Reporting News | April 2023

Reporting News | March 2023

Reporting News | February 2023

Reporting News | January 2023

Reporting News 2022

Reporting News | December 2022

Reporting News | November 2022

Reporting News | October 2022

Reporting News | September 2022

Reporting News | August 2022

Reporting News | July 2022

Reporting News | June 2022

Reporting News | May 2022

Reporting News | March 2022

Reporting News | February 2022

Reporting News | January 2022

Reporting News 2021

Reporting News | December 2021

Reporting News | November 2021

Reporting News | October 2021

Reporting News | September 2021

Reporting News | August 2021

Reporting News | June 2021

Reporting News | May 2021

Reporting News | April 2021

Reporting News | March 2021

Reporting News | January 2021

The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

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