Aotearoa is undergoing significant change across the health and care system. Our KPMG Health practice is proud to support organisations across the sector as they navigate the challenges and seek to leverage the opportunities this change brings. We passionately believe that the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill presents a once-in-a-generation chance to do things differently and to think about health and wellbeing in a more holistic, integrated, and interconnected way than ever before.

Our team is comprised of professionals who work collaboratively with clients and communities to deliver meaningful change at pace. We leverage international experience of the health, aged care, and social care sectors, as well as a strong appreciation and respect for the te ao Māori worldview, to bring clients an informed perspective that uniquely reflects Aotearoa.

Our work

Our KPMG Health team has been working closely with the Nursing Advisory Group and Ministry of Health to review the health system's existing programme for nursing safe staffing, matching staff resources to patient demand, to provide safe care and a better working environment for nurses. 

If implemented, a redesign of the current Care Capacity Demand Management Programme will improve outcomes for New Zealanders by uplifting the quality of working environment for nurses and enhancing patient care and safety. Read the full Nursing Safe Staffing Review and Report on the Review of the Care Capacity Demand Management Programme here. 


KPMG is proud to have helped manage and mitigate the threat of Covid-19 to New Zealanders by supporting the Government’s Covid-19 response. The response required close collaboration and coordinated decision-making in the health sector between multiple agencies and several layers of government, including the Ministry of Health, District Health Boards, laboratories and Public Health Units. KPMG has worked to support all these layers to ensure New Zealanders are best protected from Covid-19.

KPMG's global network of expertise has also enabled us to provide the right team to help improve outcomes and support Aotearoa on a national level, backed by a highly skilled and well-equipped global healthcare practice.

Our experience

Our Health practice is aligned with key strategic priorities for New Zealand’s health sector, such as equity of health outcomes, mental health, and health workforce wellbeing. We also support clients and communities across Aotearoa with a range of complex and transformational programmes of work.

In all of this work, we bring a human-centred design approach: putting patients, their whānau and communities, and healthcare professionals at the heart of our solutions. We combine this with a digital mindset to unlock opportunities for rapid and transformational change across the system.

Get in touch to find out more about KPMG’s experience and how we can help.

Contact our team

Digital Health Partner

Transformation and Advisory Lead Partner

KPMG Lead Partner 

Health Infrastructure Lead Partner

KPMG Lighthouse (Analytics and AI centre of excellence) Lead Partner 

Head of Government Practice

Digital Health Partner