

Supporting the education system to improve outcomes for New Zealanders.

Supporting the education system to improve outcomes for New Zealanders.

The skills required to thrive in today’s world are changing fast and the institutions that teach, train and research are facing a period of dramatic disruption. From early learning through to higher education and lifelong learning many organisations are looking to harness the latest technology, unleash the potential of their people, adapt to new funding models and make their operations as efficient as possible to deliver exceptional student experiences and deliver world class research.Common challenges within the education sector include:

  • rapidly evolving student and stakeholder expectations in a changing global environment
  • ensuring the right technology solutions are supporting the institution across back, middle and front office
  • delivering world class campuses and student accommodation
  • better managing research activities by assisting with processes in the reporting of research data and funding, publications and grants and navigating tax incentive schemes
  • enhancing financial performance and diversifying revenue streams in response to reduced government funding
  • linking higher education and the development of vocational skills to deliver improved social and economic outcomes
  • managing supply and demand forces in domestic and international student markets
  • responding to competition in the development of education resources and the enhancement of academic standards.

How we can help

KPMG has worked across the education sector on a range of complex issues. Our team of professionals serves clients in higher education, vocational education, training and schools, as well as the strategic planners and funders of educational services.

Our consulting services include: