Hamish McDonald

Partner - Private Enterprise

KPMG in New Zealand

Hamish McDonald started his career as a farmer in Southland. Not surprisingly, he has a very personal understanding of the complexities of agribusiness – with his parents, he ran the family sheep properties as well as building up a sizeable goat embryo business with offices in New Zealand and Britain. Now with twenty years under his belt with KPMG Hamilton, he deals with SME clients from a diverse variety of industries – including farming, manufacturing, wholesale and supermarkets. He has worked with clients on issues as wide as strategic planning, budgeting, business purchase and sales, restructuring, estate planning and Virtual finance team set up and management.

  • Agribusiness
  • Business strategy
  • Enterprise
  • Family Owned Businesses
  • Food and Drink
  • Food, Drink and Consumer Goods
  • Growth
  • Middle Market
  • Private companies
  • Small Enterprises
  • Post Graduate Diplomia in Commerce, Accounting - Lincoln University (NZ)

  • Bachelor of Agricultural Commerce, Farm Management and Marketing - Lincoln University (NZ)