Last year companies falling under NFRD reported eligibility of their activities under 3 EU taxonomy KPIs: Turnover, Capex and Opex. This year companies will have to report alignment in addition to eligibility for all 3 KPIs. This webinar will bring you insights in different alignment approaches and provide you with best practice towards reporting for 2022. This year’s disclosures have presented ample challenges regarding data collection, complexity of screening substantial contribution and DNSH criteria. We will share our observations on the latest guidance and strategic considerations around alignment for corporates and the impact on future financing. We are joined in the studio by Jordan Strik, Group sustainability director of SBM Offshore, who will share his experience with preparing for alignment reporting. In this webcast we will cover:  • How companies documented substantial contribution and DNSH criteria?  • What stands out and what are interesting approaches to consider? • How to prepare for more extensive disclosures? We are looking forward to your attendance!

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