With the 2019 Green Deal, Europe is fully committed to the transition to a sustainable economy. While the old economy mainly focused on the organisation’s financial results, the new economy also looks towards the commitment to sustainability issues, such as climate change, human rights, and diversity. Thanks to new laws and regulations, this commitment is more and more binding.

The Green Deal’s sustainability program obligates companies to gradually focus more on people, the environment, and society: ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance).

But are organisations adequately equipped to make their business operations more sustainable? What about the level of knowledge and the need for new knowledge and skills in the field of ESG?

Read more about the most important results of the survey, conducted by research firm Motivaction and commissioned by the ESG Innovation Institute.

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Esther van Zeggeren

Director, Brand, Reputation & Marketing KPMG in the NetherlandsVanZeggeren.Esther@kpmg.nl

Jessica Peters-Hondelink

Director, Customized Executive Education Nyenrode Business UniversityJ.Peters-Hondelink@nyenrode.nl