Operational auditing provides management in an organization with additional assurance regarding the control of risks. Operational auditing is therefore an important and indispensable process with regard to the internal control of the organization. The KPMG post-graduate Operational Auditing program offers a solution for professionals that want to further qualify themselves in the field of operational auditing.

What is the profile of the course?

In five months, you will receive all the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to independently conduct an operational audit. We have chosen to limit the size of the groups to a maximum of 15 participants so that there is sufficient room for individual guidance and interaction among the participants and with the instructors.

In addition to the interactive lectures, group participants will complete a practical assignment under the supervision of an experienced KPMG instructor. The curriculum covers both the required knowledge and skills needed by an operational auditor and consists of audit-specific courses and supporting courses that contribute to the professional development of the participants. The course is certified by the Stichting Post Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs Nederland, which means that after successful completion of the course. You will receive a nationally recognized diploma post-hbo Operational Auditing and will be registered in the register of post-hbo Operational Auditors.

For whom is the training intended?

Participants are professionals who have to deal with operational auditing in their work or wish to specialize in it. These include controllers, analysts, risk managers, and internal control specialists. Most participants bring along several years of work experience in a variety of organizations in various positions, and they share their experiences among themselves.

Who provides the training?

The post-graduate Operational Auditing program is provided within KPMG in the Netherlands by the Governance, Risk & Compliance Services (GRCS) department. KPMG GRCS is known as the market leader in the field of operational audit training and education. Our operational audit training is based on years of experience gained from providing operational audit training and education within different types of operational audit departments.

Why should you choose the KPMG post-hbo Operational Auditing program?

The main benefits of the KPMG post-graduate Operational Auditing program are:

  • The program is officially certified and accredited as a post-hbo program.
  • KPMG provides professional lecturers with extensive practical knowledge and experience.
  • The program is regularly updated based on new trends and developments within the field.
  • Quality and providing effective learning are our main objectives, which is why we work with small groups. Creating a great deal of opportunities for interaction between participants as well as the instructors.
  • KPMG offers good facilities for participants such as rooms, tools, professional information, and an internet portal;
  • There is enough room for personal guidance from lecturers.
  • The program is tailored for people who combine the program with a full-time job.

Where can I find more information about the program?

For more detailed information about the program please contact the training coordinator Erwin Mol at (020) 656 7498 or by e-mail.


The next course will start in September 2023. Classes will take place on Thursdays in the Amstelveen office. The dates are as follows:

Classes14 September 21 September 5 October 12 October 9 November 16 November 23 November 7 December 14 December 21 December

Coaching days28 September 2 November 30 November 11 January

Individual written exam25 January

Possible re-examination15 February

Graduation 21 March