As a gateway to European financial and consumer markets the Netherlands has a strong bilateral relationship with the Netherlands.

India is the sixth largest investor in the Netherlands and 20% of Indian exports to Europe is via the Netherlands. There are over 200 Indian companies having a presence in the Netherlands, and the importance that Indian and the Dutch governments attach to a bilateral economic relationships of the two nations and their commitment to the roadmap for cooperation charted by the two nations offers great investment potential and a stable investment environment.

KPMG India Desk provides access to a diverse team of Dutch and Indian specialists with extensive experience in partnering with Indian businesses. Specific market and regulatory knowledge combined with extensive experience in multiple industries offers our clients the opportunity to benefit from this unique knowledge through auditing, fiscal, consultancy and tax services. Our clients also benefit from our extensive network, able to connect and work with connections in our Indian network within the Netherlands and India. We can also help you to connect with our Indian specialists in other practices in other European countries and globally.

Connect with us

If you would like to learn more about how KPMG’s India Desk can assist your business or have a more specific inquiry, KPMG will be pleased to assist you. Please contact John Kamphuis or Cees van der Helm.

Engage with us

John Kamphuis

Partner KPMG in the Netherlands +31 (0)20 656

Cees van der Helm

PartnerKPMG in the Netherlands +31 (0)88 909