The Netherlands offers numerous opportunities for Iberian businesses. Just think of the prominent international gateways, or the favorable fiscal climate.

Investment starts with an understanding of the market and the culture

At first sight, a move to the Netherlands is easy to arrange. After all, the country very much resembles the Iberian region. But appearances can be deceptive. Iberian companies must make allowances for subtle cultural differences, a stubborn language barrier, and different legislation and regulations. Proper preparations are therefore essential for companies that wish to start playing a role in the Dutch market.

Teams of Iberian and Dutch culture and market specialists

KPMG is an international network of member firms that employs various auditing, taxation and consultancy specialists. This means that KPMG can provide clients with the high quality support through an inter-disciplinary package of auditing, fiscal and consultancy services. The Dutch and Iberian staff understand both economies and can highlight the differences in culture and language. They enjoy using that knowledge and experience to build bridges between Iberian region and the Netherlands, so that investments have a better chance of succeeding.

Portuguese economical environment

The economy in Portugal does not stop growing since the change in the political environment in 2016, being a good reference of recovery for the EU and for the MIF. Portuguese people and investors also show the positivism of this change with an increase on their degree of confidence. The optimism has arrived in Portugal.

The engine of recovery has been investment and exports, which are very diversified. Exports grow to 9% at the fastest pace of the decade, more than in countries like the Netherlands or Germany, which are references of competitiveness. Although there is much talk about tourism, the agri-food industry, footwear, textiles and the automobile are growing sharply.

Spanish economical environment

The Spanish economy continues to during 2017 and the MFI estimates the Spanish economy as the developed economy that will grow the most in the coming two years. Domestic demand continues to recover.

Economy sectors with better perspectives are tourism (being the largest source of income in the country and the third tourist destination in the world, after France and the United States), automotive, distribution & consumption and electricity and gas.

Connect with us

The KPMG the Netherlands Iberian Desk team consists of top-level experts that can assist you and have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the particularities of the Iberian markets. The team assists and advises both Dutch companies with (prospective) activities in Spain and/or Portugal and Iberian companies doing business or determining to do business in the Netherlands.

The KPMG the Netherlands Iberian Desk team speaks Spanish and Portuguese, has experience with international projects and knows both the Dutch and the Iberian markets and culture. The KPMG the Netherland Iberian Desk can support you across the border, for example by helping bridge the culture and language gaps.

We will help you discover which type of investment is best suited to your international ambitions.

Would you like to set up offices in the Netherlands? Or like to explore the investment opportunities? KPMG will be pleased to give you a helping hand. Please contact Eric van Deursen for more information.

Engage with us

Eric van Deursen

Partner KPMG in the Netherlands +31 (0) 20 656

Connect with us