Businesses and entrepreneurs want to move forwards. Society wants to move forwards. Progress is reflected in figures and in growth. But not always. Real progress lies outside those measures. And that ‘outside’ is becoming ever more valuable. As an independent expert, KPMG does not just offer certainty regarding financial reporting. With non-financial assurance, we go much further and decipher such matters as climate risks, algorithms and social aspects.

True progress

Society has long since stopped valuing companies solely on the basis of financial figures. How you deal with challenges such as algorithms, privacy, the climate or inclusivity largely determines the regard in which you are held. We help decipher the complete value of organisations and their improvement potential. This generates insight, facilitating true progress.

Our specialists in various areas of non-financial assurance can help you identify risks and offer solutions.

The EU's sustainability legislation will fundamentally impact the operational management of financial institutions and their clients.

Marco Frikkee
Partner Sustainable Finance
KPMG Netherlands

Reporting & Assurance Services

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