Complying with data privacy laws and regulation can be a challenge for organizations, as the regulatory environment is very dynamic and technology evolves rapidly. Our Data Privacy team is on top of these regulatory and technical developments and has the ability to provide you with the latest insights and assist your business in preparing for upcoming regulatory changes. 

Comply with privacy laws and regulations

We are privacy pragmatists rather than privacy purists, as we believe that adhering to privacy laws and regulations is not merely a paper-based exercise. Compliancy with data privacy regulation is a journey in which the entire organization is involved. Setting up the right data privacy environment to ensure control, central oversight and the fundamental building blocks for continuous compliance will help organizations and privacy professionals to comply with privacy laws and regulations. This can only be done sustainably with the support of tools and technology. As Information Risk Management has already moved away from Excel-based exercises, so should the Data Privacy field. We do this together with different technology suppliers, such as OneTrust, ServiceNow and RSA Archer.

Our team of privacy professionals, legal advisors, privacy auditors and privacy engineers are ready to help your organization implement or optimize your data privacy control environment. We specialize in all aspects of privacy compliance, including the implementation and operation of state-of-the-art privacy management software.

You can explore our fields of expertise below and contact our experts for more information.

Data Privacy and Compliance Services

We can support your organization to become GDPR compliant and help you from end to end to implement a sustainable, maintainable GDPR control environment.

We have helped numerous clients to implement GDPR requirements in their organization.

We can assist your organization in implementing privacy management tooling to ensure a sustainable and maintainable privacy control environment. We have experience with multiple tool vendors and have an active partnership with market leader OneTrust.

Do you need an interim privacy officer or data protection officer to strengthen your privacy team? We have many experienced privacy professionals with deep privacy expertise to further strengthen your privacy team.

We have very broad experience in conducting DPIAs/DTIAs. We can help assess the privacy risks of your new processing activities, projects or innovations in line with the requirements of the GDPR.

Would you like to learn the current state of maturity of your privacy organization or to have an independent report on your organization’s GDPR compliance? With the help of our global privacy management framework, we can assess your maturity or conduct a privacy audit on your privacy control environment.

Complying with AI and Data Ethics standards is becoming more and more important, as regulatory changes are on the horizon and society is in high demand of data ethics nowadays. We can help you assess your algorithms, automated decision-making processes or other AI technologies and identify potential risks in Ethics, Human Rights and Data Privacy.

Meet our experts