Being able to respond quickly to rapidly changing customer demands and market conditions, greater transparency, digitization and getting grip on IT are essential starting points of a digital strategy. To meet these changing needs, the existing setup of IT in the organization and ways of working between IT and the business must be reconsidered.

Implementing agile ways of working

When designing new Agile & Digital Operating Models, we use a broad perspective that includes all aspects of the organization. Our experts and consultants focus on the direction and set-up of the organization, taking elements of the Processes, Sourcing, Technology, Performance Management and Competencies into account. We choose an integral approach, ensuring the quality and continuity of the organization and deploying the right technological focus. The result is an operating model that allows organizations to maximize their customer value.

Many organizations start with agile ways of working within their IT organization. Modern operating models nowadays include both the business and IT function, as organizations acknowledge that change is not effectively realized by allowing IT and business to operate in their own silos. When implementing agile ways of working in organizations, we work side by side with our clients.  

The benefits of Agile & Digital Operating Models

  • Maximized customer focus
  • Efficient processes
  • Rapid response to changes in the market
  • Realizing an inspiring environment for talent
  • Working better, faster, smarter with happier employees

Next steps towards an agile and digital operating model

KPMG supports organizations in the radical but necessary change process towards an Agile & Digital Operating Model. Our broad and in-depth knowledge in the different domains of Agile & Digital operating models enables us to develop a suitable approach for every organization. The KPMG expertise ranges from bi-modal / hybrid models to advanced (Biz)DevOps, Agile at Scale (according to SAFe or LeSS) and continuous delivery solutions. From KPMG in the Netherlands, we are connected to our global Agile & Digital Operating Models network. By using globally available information, we have the latest insights to apply in your organization.