In the current dynamic market, companies need to evolve in order to avoid being overtaken. The necessity for business transformation is driven by:

  • Disruptive external developments that impact on the business model
  • Non-realised synergies between business units in the portfolio
  •  Non-realised synergies between business units in the portfolio
  •  Poor formulation of financial goals

Transformation is not a small change. It requires a fundamental revision of a company’s value proposition and trading and competition strategies. Transformation rarely happens by itself and often encounters resistance within the organisation.

KPMG helps companies decide to what extent a transformation is desirable. The answer may lie in innovation, or in speeding up existing processes. A change in course can also be desirable.

By combining strategic thinking with hands-on skills, KPMG can deliver transformation in a practical way. We do not limit ourselves to a design – we also supply an implementable plan for change right across the business. We help companies answer the following questions:

  • How do you change the strategy of an organisation in order to respond to recent changes in the market dynamic?
  • How do you improve internal and external perceptions of the company and bring them into line with the ambition and business models?
  • How do you manage a portfolio and improve the role of the corporate centre?
  • What are the intended and unintended consequences of decisions in different parts of the company?
  •  Is the company ready for changes and the associated obstacles?

In company-wide transformations, we get all parts of the organisation pointing in the same direction internally again. We sketch out the route, from the starting point to the objective, including any obstacles in the way. We offer a framework for multi-year strategic planning. We help you assign capital and evaluate portfolios and synergies. We also concern ourselves with scenario planning, corporate redesign and other modular services supplied by your company.

Contact us

Raymond Timmer

Partner, Head of Strategy & Operations KPMG

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