As an old African proverb has it “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together”. The wisdom in this proverb still applies now that companies are developing their strategies in a transforming business landscape.

As the complexity of business challenges increases, the need to work together on complex transformations becomes clearer. Success lies in utilising innovative technologies in the areas of cybersecurity, cloud transformation, block chain, mobile economy, cognitive and digital work, data and analysis and regulatory changes. How can companies achieve success when confronted with such a wide range of challenges? Perhaps by taking a leaf from the African book of proverbs and uniting the objectives of a network of stakeholders with global capacities.

An integrated ecosystem of partners and alliances is part of a modern connected business

KPMG and Forrester have together conducted extensive research into successful companies in order to identify what gives them an edge in this digital age. This research has resulted in eight core capacities of the true modern ‘connected’ enterprise. What is interesting is that there are still parallels to be drawn between the old African proverb cited above and the results of the research.

Shown on the right are the eight core capacities defined for the true ‘Connected Enterprise’, the ability to effectively integrate with a partner and alliance ecosystem. In order to keep market leaders agile, they need to be able to adapt business models to their needs and continually make maximum use of groundbreaking technology. The process in which new partners and suppliers are selected and how the collaboration proceeds is essential for encouraging flexible implementation.

KPMG therefore practices what it preaches. In order to put the technology to use for our countless potential services, KPMG experts are trained for alliance accreditations. This allows true end-to-end solutions to be developed together in order to make them both flexible and comprehensive. It is this marriage of business insight and technology that adds value for our clients. This strategy applies not only to KPMG, but to every aspiring affiliated company.

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Utilising our strong network of alliances

KPMG's strong and diverse network of alliances includes several of the world's leading technology, data and service companies. Drawing on alliances we have been working with for many years, we offer global reach that delivers a total solution. Together we can identify the DNA of your challenge, compare it with possible approaches and chart a uniform approach that brings together people, technology and companies. The wide range of challenges and the internal and external complexity can sometimes be discouraging. In order to face them, we believe in a ‘lean’ approach, helping companies take smart steps rather than too many. We recommend that you contact our experts and alliances in order to understand how we can go further together than alone.


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