We offer high-quality services in the areas of audit and advisory. As overseers of economic traffic, our accountants provide confidence when it comes to information. Our advisers develop advanced digital and other solutions for tomorrow’s economy. Read more about how we create value and who guides us in doing so below.

We regard ourselves as a powerhouse of multidisciplinary knowledge that, driven by the skills of our people, generates confidence and enables change. We offer our clients concrete digital and other solutions to facilitate their ambitions to grow or change, based on a belief in ‘people-driven progress': progress that is good for people and society. In our strategy, we define four areas of focus with associated ambitions:

  • Public Trust: High standards in everything we do
  • Clients: Unique service experience
  • People: Best development experience
  • Digital & Innovation: 100% digitally enabled solutions
  • Financial strength: Long-term and above average growth

Our value creation model

We create value for our stakeholders and society. This value is multi-faceted and has an impact on people, the environment and society. We provide quality services to our clients and offer the best working environment to our staff, with ample opportunities for growth. Our work contributes to economic growth and promotes confidence in financial markets. To create this value, we rely mainly on the expertise and skills of our people. Do you want to learn more? Click here to see our value creation model.


Checks and balances. That's what it's all about. Also in our operational management and structure. You can read how we have anchored our values and quality in our governance in the Global Code of Conduct and below.

Our structure KPMG N.V. Consists of separate business units for Assurance, Advisory and the supporting Business Services. The shares in KPMG N.V. are held by individual partners via Coöperatie KPMG U.A.. The partners' services are provided to KPMG N.V. or the underlying business units under a contract with the cooperative.


The international KPMG networkAs a member of the international network of independent KPMG firms, we are affiliated to KPMG International Limited, a UK entity. The members of KPMG International are obliged to conform to uniform rules and regulations, such as quality standards. All members also commit themselves to the shared KPMG values. Each member is responsible for its own operations and the quality of its work.

Supervisory Board

Our independent Supervisory Board consists of external members who are each appointed for a four-year term by the shareholders of KPMG N.V. They oversee the policy of the Executive Board and the general affairs of the company. The Supervisory Board also gives advice to the Executive Board, both solicited and unsolicited. The Supervisory Board watches over KPMG's interests and keeps a close eye on our societal task, with a focus on the public interest of high-quality auditing.

Want to know more about our Supervisory Board? Read more about the visionthe regulations and the composition of the Supervisory Board. Or view the retirement schedule and the list of ancillary positions of Supervisory Board members.

Executive Board

Our Executive Board is responsible for setting the course of the business – from formulating and executing our strategy to shaping and managing the organisation. The Executive Board roles mirror the structure of our organisation: Assurance, Advisory and Business Services. The Executive Board is accountable to the Supervisory Board and the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The Executive Board members are appointed by the Supervisory Board following approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of KPMG N.V.

Our partner modelOur Assurance and Advisory services, along with the supporting Business Services, are incorporated within KPMG N.V. as separate business units. The shares in KPMG N.V. are held by individual partners via Coöperatie KPMG U.A.. The partners' services are provided to KPMG N.V. or the underlying business units under a contract with the cooperative. When making investments, KPMG partners have to take account of possible restrictions. You can read more about that in the investment policy for partners.