KPMG’s People and Change team focuses on the human experience in business transformation and on improving the performance of organizations by changing the way people are managed, led and developed. 

We do this by focusing on three key areas of the change agenda – delivering the people agenda on a large scale, complex, transformational change programs, and transforming the HR function. 

Our clients benefit from the extensive experience our team of professionals bring to the table. By working shoulder-to-shoulder with our clients, KPMG provides customized support in five core areas:

Behavioral Change Management — Help organizations with successful implementation of change by developing strategies that deal with the impact of change

Talent Development — Help organizations acquire, develop and retain talent to meet business and strategic goals

Organization Design — Help organizations develop and implement organizational structures to deliver the organization’s strategic intent

HR Transformation — Create leading HR practices by aligning HR and business strategies and putting necessary structures, capabilities, and systems in place

Workforce Optimization — Help organizations secure the correct manpower requirements and planning to meet business & strategic goals

Ultimately, we help our clients position themselves as an employer of choice fit for the workforce of the future.

Our Capabilities & Solutions

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