Private Clients

Private Clients

Private clients’ objectives generally tend to be driven by personal factors as well as a common concern to preserve one’s wealth and augment it.

Private clients’ objectives are driven by personal factors and preserving one’s wealth.

At KPMG in Malta we understand that individuals, albeit ambitious, look for peace of mind that the future will be secure.

Whilst we are not investment advisers, we do support private clients in planning ahead and managing their assets and investments. Typically, private clients wish to avoid unnecessary complexity and ambiguity in order to minimise anxiety associated with the administration and compliance responsibilities. With this in mind, we work together with private clients to achieve their financial goals with minimal compliance burdens.

KPMG also assists private clients to settle down in, or move out of, Malta. A decision to move to another country may not have been so easy and anyone taking such a decision would want to minimise the complexities of settling elsewhere.  Whether you would like to retire, set-up family or set-up a business in Malta or maybe you are assigned to Malta or seeking employment herein or whether you are leaving Malta, we have specialised staff in expatriate taxation, employee taxes, social security and emigration and immigration rules. Your worldwide concerns in this regard can be addressed through our KPMG network.  

Our private client services include:

Tax advisory and compliance  

We can help you to evaluate the tax implications affecting you in the changing tax and economic climate. KPMG can provide you with advice regarding personal tax compliance including the submission of income tax returns and assistance with meeting tax payment deadlines, fringe benefit value computations, social security obligations and tax planning of succession and inheritance. We can guide you through your tax planning activities helping you to optimize tax savings.

Immigration and emigration

KPMG can assist overseas clients taking up residence in Malta in the process leading to the procurement of residence and working permits and general assistance with procedures related to the setting up of households in Malta. We strive to provide a seamless and highly personalised service with the objective of assisting overseas clients to mitigate the strain of relocation.  Similarly, we assist private clients in their outward relocation by working together with KPMG professionals in other tax jurisdictions in order to ensure a continuous and consistent delivery of our service.

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