What we offer

Our expertise in talent development ranges from partnering with you to create a talent development strategy to delivering on that strategy. With our help, you will be able to:

  • identify and close current skills gaps and build future-ready skills;
  • provide challenging development opportunities based on experiential learning;
  • align individual and team performance to the organisation’s business strategy;
  • differentiate top talent and prepare future leaders; and
  • deliver increased capability, commitment, engagement and retention.

Our talent development solutions

From baseline analysis to differentiating your top talent, delivery of training courses, talent and leadership development centres and coaching interventions, we will support every step of your talent development strategy’s design and implementation.

Our philosophy

We believe in making business decisions that make people sense. The return on investment from a talent development strategy is tangible. Employees given the opportunity to reach their full potential contribute real value to their employers, through engagement and productivity, creativity and innovation.

Talent Development

Our most popular offerings

  • Our management retreats provide a blend of skills practice, hands-on activities and reflection. Gamification promotes team-building, while participants are encouraged by way of an action plan to relate the experiential learning to the challenges they face in the workplace.
  • Our skills courses are built on the context for the participants rather than “what the textbook says”. For example, in our negotiation skills course, participants actually negotiate! We use observational feedback loops to access perspectives that challenge default behaviour and create a commitment to improvement.]
  • Our talent development centres use experiential learning through a series of directed activities to increase self-awareness and focus on a future leadership role. These activities include team challenges, role-plays, coaching and development planning.

What makes us different

  1. We understand your business. We have a wealth of local and international experience across industries and access to global resources that enable us to bring best practice to your organisation.
  2. We are data-driven. We collect data from culture surveys, engagement surveys, focus groups and individual interviews to ensure that we propose the right solution for your people and your organisation.
  3. We use leading-edge methodologies. We know how people learn. Our “Learning is REAL” philosophy means that our solutions are reflective, experiential, applied and support long-term development.