Talent and Performance Review

Talent risk is identified as one of the greatest threats to organisations. Our team of experienced psychologists helps organisations to identify high potential and high performers in the organisation and ensure that proper development plans and career paths are in place in order to retain key employees. This is a crucial element of successful succession planning and leadership development. Talent and Performance Reviews and People Analytics help in being proactive at identifying who in an organisation might be at risk of leaving, and why (and how to enhance Talent Retention).

What issues are our clients facing?

  • Identification of key talents and high performers is not transparent and not standardized across departments, with high levels of subjectivity and biases.
  • High attrition rate of the best employees, and a lack of strategy to identify and safeguard talents.
  • Uncertainty about which critical roles and/or employees require investment and focus.
  • Difficulty in demonstrating a clear and attractive career path to employees in order to retain them.
  • Threat of organisational collapse if key employees leave.
  • Talent insecurity: High potential employees are 15% more likely to be ready to move on once an economic crisis passes.

What do we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • For each organisation, either small or large, in the private or public sector, one of the main goals is to attract and retain highly talented employees. We help organisations in this mission through the creation of a customised Talent and Performance Review Methodology which helps performance managers to identify individuals who are high potentials and/or high performers and are therefore critical to the success of the organisation.
  • Creation of customised performance and potential indicators and Talent and Performance Review Tool is a crucial part of our client-centric approach.
  • With performance managers and HR we discuss the evaluation of employees against potential and performance indicators with the main aim of creating a personalised development plan for each employee.
  • Having effective performance management in place using Talent and Performance Review Framework helps organisations to develop a more robust understanding of each employee’s performance and potential – and from there identify the most appropriate development plan and career path for each.
Strategic Planning Management

Succession Planning

Having proper succession planning allows for a more objective and comprehensive discussion surrounding the future leaders and key employees in the organisation. Having a formalised and ongoing succession planning strategy increases the likelihood that the organisation will be able to fill key roles from within the organisation itself. Appointing existing talent to key roles also ensures that the appointee will be a cultural fit for the organisation, something which cannot be guaranteed with external recruits, while also incentivising staff to perform to the best of their ability.

What issues are our clients facing?

  • Difficulty in identifying key roles across the organisation and lack of a ‘Build or Buy’ plan for the key roles. 
  • Uncertainty around which roles need a more robust internal talent pipeline and unclear identification of successors for key roles.
  • High expenses to recruit external candidates for key roles.
  • Emergency succession planning in place, however no medium-to-long-term strategy in place.
  • Lack of a transparent succession planning strategy to build leadership capability and successors for key roles.

What do we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • Identify the key roles in the organisation through the creation of a customised ‘Successor Role Profile’.
  • Support in the selection of successors for the key roles through our succession planning methodology and ‘Succession Planning Accuracy Framework’.
  • Through interviews with senior management, we create a Succession Pool of employees for the key roles and the foundations for their development plans.
  • We help organisations to ensure that top talent and key employees are provided with the right exposure and opportunities to have a strong career and future in the organisation. 

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